Hank's Big Weekend.
This weekend was dedicated to the "soon" (as opposed to late) Henry Issac Cox, or as Emily learned this week, Coopers worst enemy. Cooper acted a little jealous this weekend when Emily held Campbell. It was a really nice shower and Finn had a great time.

Cooper and Finn spent a lot of time together. Finn was pretty friendly and spent a good deal of time with his cousin

The Lady Cousins (minus Anna who was having labor pains)
The Sisters
Don't let this picture fool you - they are only pretending to be on their best behavior.

Cooper reading his new book.
Eating his new Nerf football from Aunt Tracey

Cooper reading his new book.
After the shower was over Finn, Cooper, Mom, Em and I went to church while Mom practiced the organ. Finn and Cooper ran around the empty sancuary.
Later than night we had pizza. Finn ended up sitting up until almost 10:00. He was wild as a buck - crawling on furniture and yelling "oh man." When he finally did go to sleep I laid him up in the trundle bed. After a few minutes I heard whining from downstairs and then I heard Finn banging on the door. He had found his way out of the bed, through the dark and to the door. I decided to go ahead and go to bed with him. He laid down next to me and hugged my neck as tight as he could. Later on in the night I was rudely awoken by Finn head butting me. All night he tried to sleep as close to me as humanly possible. At times he was sit straight up in bed and would throw his body onto mine. This particular time he head butted me and it hurt.
The next morning Finn went to Sunday School with Nana and then he went to church. Finn talked way too much during church and we had to take him out. Coop ended up having to go out too, so the boys ran around in the parlor.
After lunch while I was getting everything ready to go Finn pulled my old "Bearenstain Bear" books out of the shelf. When I told it was time to go he held his arms out walked over to Nana and told her bye.
When we got back to our house Finn got a big surprise, Grandad came to spend the night. During his stay we took Finn for a ride in the car through the neighborhood. Unfortunately for the rest of the night Finn yelled ride. Finn had a great time with Grandad and did not want to go to bed while he was here.
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