
Yesterday Finn spent the day at the Opryland Hotel with Grandad and Gigi. I learned that Finn stuck his hands in every fountain, stream and puddle of water at the hotel; he climbed every flight of stairs; rode every escalator and thoroughly explored every nook and cranny.

Next Finn rode the big bus to the Wild Horse Saloon for a night of dancing.

I was also informed that Finn enjoyed sneaking into the girls rooms in the middle of the night and stealing cookies. Apparently Finn was having so much fun that he didn't feel the slightest bit tired until midnight.

I was very excited to see Finn when he home today. After dinner we three went out in the back yard and ran around for a while. Then Finn decided that he wanted to walk on the sidewalk so we let him run up and down them. He was so funny. On his way down he ran and fast as his little legs could carry him yelling (with delight) the whole way down. We laughed so hard. When we got all the day down to the end of our road, we (the parents) decided to turn around and head back toward the house. Finn had other ideas. We decided that if we started walking back toward the house, Finn would willingly follow. Wrong, he took off back down the hill straight for the road. Both of us took off after him as fast as we could go. Since we couldn't convince him to turn around we decided to just let him get it out of his system. By the time we got back to the house we figured that Finn had run almost a half a mile. He was pretty tired by the time we got home. When we walked in the door he went straight to Fannie and buried his head in her body. The run really tuckered Finn out and he sat in my lap and went straight to sleep.


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