The Vet

Today Finn and I took Kodiak to the Vet. He had a nasty puss pocket under his skin that was oozing and stinking. I internet diagnosed him as having an absess - thus it was necessary to take him to see the Vet as soon as possible. He was so miserable, but I shoved him in the cat carrier anyway and threw him in the car.

Finn was on cloud 9 that his kitty was in the car with him. When we got to the Vet's office I got Finn out of his carseat, grabbed the diaper bag, grabbed my purse and then grabbed the cat carrier. Even with locking the car door and opening the door to the vet's office I managed to not drop anything. When we got inside Finn immediately ran for the big black cat that lives at the office. We were called back to the see the vet pretty quick - my guess is because they were afraid Finn would drive all their animals crazy. The Vet shaved off some of Kodiak's hair and confirmed that he had an absess. Then she prescribed an antibiotic and an anti-inflamatory. She told me to watch him over the weekend and call her Monday to see what our options are.

When we got home Finn helped me clean up. He grabbed one of the dish rags, leaned over and mopped the floor with his hands (he saw me mop on my hands and knees the day before. It is so funny to watch him rub the floor with such vigor and concentration.

Then Finn took a nap. After he woke up we went to the Post Office. When we pulled into the parking lot Finn told me "mail." He is really catching on to being a paralegal. Then we went to Kroger to get drinks for daddy. By the time we got home it was almost time for Gran and Pa to stop by. Michael and I went to see an early movie (The Adjustment Bureau) so Gran and Pa sat with Finn for a little while. After the movie I rocked Finn to sleep.


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