Poker Face

Pictures to come.

Today was a Finn and mama day. First we went to the pediatrician's office to get Finn's ears checked. While there we read the Lion King book and Finn pointed out every elephant and zebra he could find. Then we went back to the house to allow Finn to take a nap. He ended up sleeping about 2 hours. After he woke up he wanted to go outside so I decided to take Finn to the streets of Indian Lake to walk around. He was very happy to be walking around in the nice sunshine. It was a perfect day, not too hot, not too cold. He did however get very fussy when I would step into a store. The minute I walked into Coldwater Creek Finn started screaming on the top of his lungs "OUTSIDE." Which actually sounds like "I DIE." I thought that if I were to pick him up he would get the hint and shut that trap for a few minutes. Wrong. In desperation I threw him over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes (mind you, he was still screaming), did a quick run through the store, and headed for the door apologizing the whole way. This was also one of those days that Finn called every male within screaming distance "daddy." It is so embarrassing.

When we got home Finn took another long nap and then we all went to meet Tommy, Deniece, David, Sharon, James, Chelsea, and Sharon's parents at a Mexican Restaurant in East Nashville. Finn was very happy to see his uncle David and I think that David was happy to see him too.

On the way home I turned on a CD that I had made that had the "Glee" version of the song "Poker Face" on it. As the chorus came on we heard Finn singing along. It was so cute. He couldn't say all the words perfectly of course, but he did follow along pretty well. I think it might be his new favorite song!


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