Finn says the "F" word

When I was growing up I loved the "Ramona" books by Beverly Cleary. In one such book there is a chapter called "Ramona says a bad word." As an eight (8) year old girl, I was stunned to see such an obscene and inappropriate chapter title in a childrens book. As it turns out the "bad" word referred to was "snot." A bit of a disappointment to a girl who thrives on controversy. Well, that was until my own flesh and blood started a little controversy of his own. . .

Today began like any other Thursday; it was a home day for me. As I do on most "home" days I dragged Finn along to the courthouse to get the Judge to sign an Order. On our way into the courthouse I stepped in a muddy patch and said (fairly loudly) "YUCK." From the parking lot to the courthouse Finn starts yelling his version of "yuck" on the top of his lungs. Unfortunately his version was the "f" word. I was mortified! Everyone in a 10 mile radius could hear him and it is safe to assume that they didn't know what he was actually trying to say.

Other than that major slip up Finn was well behaved at the courthouse. He was pleasant to the Magistrate, he only wandered into one office and even pretended to sweep the floor with my umbrella.

After leaving the courthouse we ran up to Nashville for a few minutes to visit daddy before he left for his overnight trip to Nashville. Then Finn and I ran over to my old stomping grounds to drop of a few legal papers for a former co-worker and present client. Finn hammed it up good. On our way home Finn took his only nap of the day which only lasted thirty (30) minutes.

Since Michael was out of town I decided that Finn and I should do something special so the two of us split a kids meal from Dairy Queen, complete with a vanilla milkshake. I made the mistake of giving Finn a sip of his milkshake while in the car. As I was trying to rip the cup out of his death grip the lip popped off and milkshake spilled all over Finn and the carseat. He looked so shocked.

Since he didn't nap well today Finn was especially tired and sweet at about 6:30 tonight. He crawled up in my lap and said "Chess" (our newest wind down musical). So the two of us cuddled up on the electric blanket and watched Chess. Finn even sang a little to his favorite song on the video. I can't say that I surprised that Finn likes Chess as it was composed by the guys from Abba and Finn LOVES Abba.


  1. I want you to have an intensive deprogramming of the bad word in question done on Finn. I am mortified! What if he tries to say "yuck" again?!!!! A Concerned Nana


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