On Tuesday morning I woke up pretty excited.  Even thought I was a political science major, I have to admit that I have tired of the political game.  Nonetheless, I was eager to see how the events of the day unfolded.  In the weeks leading up to the election I decided to forgo early voting and decided brave the polls on election day.  There is something exciting about voting on election day and I didn't want to miss it.  Plus, everyone in Sumner County votes so early voting was jam packed every day.  I keep a fairly busy scheduled and ended up NOT having time to early vote. As it turns out, everyone in my district must have voted early because I was in and out in ten (10) minutes.

After voting I went to pick the boys up.  When I got to Victoria's house I saw that Finn was the proud new owner of a "shiner" (a black eye for you less hip folks). I imagine this will be the first of many.  You can't really see it in pictures, but it has turned out to be an impressive little bruise. I shouldn't even call it a black eye, it is really just a little bruise on is upper check.

At 7:00 we started watching the election coverage.

A little spoiler alert. 

Around 8:30 the winds were out of my sails so I went to bed around 9:00. 


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