
I am always amazed at how dirty my house is.  I love to mop - not because I thinking mopping is fun, but instead because I love to see how black the mop water gets.  I mopped the downstairs on Friday - my water was black as soot; it was great!  While I was mopping Finn watched "Rent" and sang and Sam ate half a box of cereal and washed it down with marshmallows. Then Finn decided that he would wash all of his cars.  He loves to play in water.  I gave him a big bowl of water and a scrubber and sent him to work.  This kept him occupied while I cleaned other parts of the downstairs.  He ended up slipping and falling on the tile several times.  He pretty much cried for an hour.

Later that evening we met Grandad and Gigi at Sam's Sports Grill for my birthday dinner.  We dressed Sam in his warm hooded jumpsuit.

When Finn saw that Sam was wearing a "hoodie" he asked where his "header" was.  Yes, Finn calls hoodies "headers."  He explained that they are called "headers" because they keep your head warm.

We had a really nice time at supper.  Finn ordered a kids pizza and I ate half of it a long with my hamburger.  After supper Finn and Sam with to spend the night at Grandad and Gigi's house.  From what I have been told they had a great time.

Michael and I went to see "Lincoln."  The next day I went to Sparta for Kara's baby shower (I don't have any pictures yet).  The food was good, the company was good and I to top it off, I was regaled with stories of Kara's past cats. 

On Saturday night, Grandad, Gigi and Lauren brought the boys back to the house.  They also brought Zaxby's.  Sam sat and ate some of Finn's grilled cheese and most of my fries.


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