The Waterboy

 Today was really fun day for Finn.  First, he went to see "Wreck It Ralph" with Gran and Uncle David.  Gran said that the movie may have gone over his head, but enjoyed the experience.  And as always, Finn had a good time with Gran and Uncle David.   When they got back from the movie, we (Me, Sam, Finn and David) went to see Michael's basketball game.  Michael plays in a league on Wednesday and tonight was their first game.

Finn mostly paid attention.  Whenever Michael was playing would yell, "Go Daddy" over and over.  He was so proud of him.  Uncle David would yell too, but he yelled things like, "get the ball", "good take", etc.  Finn then started yelling was Uncle David yelled.  It was cute.  When he wasn't watching the game, he played with his cars on the bleachers.  Inevitably, I ended up crawling under the bleachers to go after a lost car.

As much fun as Finn had watching the game, he had even more fun bringing water to Michael. Every time Michael would come off the court, Finn would grab the Sonic drink and bring it to Michael and insist that he drink.

 After the game, Finn and Uncle David took the court.

Finn likes to sit on Sam now, it is one of his favorite pastimes.   Whenever I hear Sam cry, I just assume that Finn is sitting on him.  I don't understand it, but apparently Finn finds it fun.


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