Halloween 2012

Yesterday after the boys got back from JTs they were welcomed by an exciting sight - Uncle David!  Finn saw his truck in the driveway and yelled "Uncle David is here!"  To say Finn loves his Uncle David is an understatement.  He was so happy.

When we got inside we put the boys in their Halloween costumes.  Finn was a T-Rex, of course, and Sam was a monkey; or better yet a "chunky monkey." 

After getting the boys all dressed up Gran, Aunt Sharon and Aunt Chelsea (officially now - Yay!) walked through the front door carrying Famous Dave's Barbeque!  Gran also brought a ton of candy. 

Before going Trick-R-Treating, the boys opened their presents from Gran.  Both got a few dinosaur outfits!

Next it was time to go get some candy.  The evening was chilly, but not too bad.  The wind died down so we were able to be somewhat comfortable. 

The Group Shot - Gran is the Ghost, Chelsea is the cat and Sharon the witch.

Finn Trick-R-Treated for about an hour.  We went to a few homes in our general area, then we went down the street to see the scariest house on the block.  Finn wasn't scared at all.  Finn was more worried about Sam than anything else.  After we saw the scary house Finn said that he wanted to "trick-r-treat at home."  I took this to mean that he wanted to give out candy.

 Finn showing off his "great big" dinosaur tail. 

"I Love You, I Love You, My Dinosaur"

When we got back to the house we turned on the "Charlie Brown" Halloween show and heated up the Barbeque.  Finn and Daddy handed out candy. I think that Finn liked handing out Candy better than anything.  

We really had a fun night.  I think this might have been our most fun and exciting Halloween to date.


  1. So precious! That picture of Finn walking from behind is a tear jerker!



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