Barf . . .

That pretty much sums up our weekend.  On Friday we decided to stay home and put some brawts on the grill.  Finn and Sam both ate about half of a brawt.  Sam really loves meat.  Finn is picky about meat but Sam is like a rabid dog when it comes to eating meat.  Shortly after supper we put the boys to bed.

Before turning in I went to check on the boys.  The smell coming from Sam's room was atrocious.  I looked in his crib to see him laying in a huge glob of vomit.  I got him out of bed and put him straight into the bathtub.   Right after we got him in bed we walked into Finn's room and saw that he had throw up to.  Luckily he had the courtesy to just lean his head over and throw up on the floor.  Both his bed and his jammies were clean.  So we started cleaning up Finn's room.  Once we got back in bed Sam started crying again.  When I picked him up he threw up all over me.  Then it was Finn's turn again.  It was a long, smelly night.

On Saturday we thought we were in the clear.  The boys both woke up in good moods.  Michael and I chalked it up to a reaction to their flu shots and moved on.  Finn seemed to have his appetite back - he ate three pancakes and half a bottle of sugar free syrup.  Maybe I should say he poured out half a bottle syrup.

Saturday was a pretty good day.  I had breakfast with my friends from church.  While I was out relaxing with friends, Michael took the boys to Gran's house for a few minutes.  When I got home we all took long naps.  I ended up rocking Sam much of the rest of the day - he was still a bit lethargic and didn't have an appetite.

As it turns out Sam through up two more times on Sunday (once before church and again right before bed).  It was awful!  I checked his temperature and he isn't running a fever.  I guess we will see how they do tomorrow.

 Caught with his hand in the candy bowl - literally.


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