The Big 32

Today (Sunday, November 11, 2012) is my 32nd birthday.  Two wild and crazy parties and 56 Facebook greetings later, I am beat; happy, but beat.

I had a trial on Friday so the boys spent the day with TJ.  Michael picked the boys up that afternoon while I packed for our trip to Nana and Papa's.  When Finn got out of Michael's car he yelled, "MOM IS IT YOUR BIRTHDAY?"  He has been so excited about my birthday party.

We left for Manchester at around 5:00.  Michael and I played with our new phones most of the way down.   Michael got us both iPhones for my birthday.  My clients will be so proud (most of my client's make fun of my regular flip phone).  Thanks you Michael for my phone - I love it!

When we got to Nana's house Finn was so excited - he wanted to go play immediately.  Instead, we had dinner. Mom made lasagna and Finn even ate a little bit.  I specifically asked for a homemade meal.

After supper Mom and Greg gave me my presents; Finn opened them for me.

 I got some money and a Stella and Dot scarf. Clearly, I was very excited!

Next we had cake (my cake was so neat - it was a row of candles and one had been blown out). Finn made sure that we sang.

 After cake  we all went upstairs to play in the playroom. Finn and Papa played with all the toys while Nana and Sam rocked.  Sam then decided that he wanted to play.

The boys had a really good time. They both stayed up way past their bedtimes. 

 Finn spent the greater part of the evening hijacking everyone's coke (or "toke" as he calls it).  He would finish one glass and the go find another.

 The next morning Finn ate cake for breakfast.  Then after about an hour he decided he was hungry again and asked Nana to make him pancakes.  Nana and Papa also was fortunate to change one of Sam's award winning diapers (I am not exaggerating when I say Sam has the smelliest diapers I have ever encountered).

Then me and Mom got ready and did a little shoe shopping.  Mom held Sam while I tried on several pairs of shoes at Marti & Liz.  Sam was so sweet. He sat still and cuddled.  While we were out shopping, Finn helped Papa with the bonfire and they drew on the patio with chalk.  I think Finn's favorite was building dinosaurs out of clay.  Papa and can make impressive dinosaurs.  Finn fought with the "sneaky snake."  We left Manchester around 4:00.  We had a great time and it was a great birthday!


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