Shots, Shots, Shots, Shots, Shots, Shots.

This morning both boys had a check up with their pediatrician; Sam his nine month and Finn his three year.  While I was getting Finn ready to go he started asking me questions about this appointment (he was clearly nervous).  He kept saying "we are just going to talk to the doctor aren't we mom?  He was clearly fishing for a promise that he would not be getting a shot.  It was really quite sweet.  I told him that I wasn't sure if he would get a shot or not, but that if he did, he could get a piece of candy.

As expected, both boys got shots.  Finn panicked as the needle was going in, but didn't cry too much after.  His poor little face - he looked scared to death. Sam cried too, but he recovered like a champ.  As promised, Finn got a Reese's Cup.  Then I took them both to Victoria's for the remainder of the work day.  Other than the shots the visit went well.  Both boys are on target.  Finn weighs 36 pounds and is 39 inches tall.  Sam weight 23.5 pounds and is 28.4 inches tall.


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