My Pop Star

With a heavy heart I post that Finn is a little pop star in the making.  This child knows every song on the radio - and I don't listen to the radio.  Currently he loves the Taylor Swift song (we are never getting back together).  I can literally turn on the radio and he can sing almost every song.  And it doesn't matter where the song comes in - he can pick it up and sing. Last week I heard Finn saying what I believed to be "domicile."  I was so excited that my little Finn was picking up legal terminology.  As it turns out he was saying "Gangnum Style."  Even though I don't care for top 40 radio, I love hearing Finn sing. But is even funnier is watching his facial expressions when he sings. 

Three (3) year olds are so entertaining.  When he is not singing, he is talking! Sounds a lot like his mother.  I love carrying on a conversation with Finn.  This morning on the way to JT's he planned his "Ice Age Birthday Party" down to the guest list and the activities.  Next we went on to plan my birthday.  He told me that I needed a "long neck" cake.

Every time he sees a holiday commercial, he gets really excited and says, "is it almost Christmas?!!!!"

Last week Finn told me that boys are better than girls (I can't believe it starts this early).  He couldn't tell me why, but mentioned it might be because boys go to "Sunday School." 

Just a random picture of Sam.


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