Black Friday and Beyond

We in the Michael and Erin Begley home do not participate in Black Friday - why?  Because we are lazy and would rather sit and relax the day after Thanksgiving.  We literally did nothing.  I think we both managed to work out, but that was it.  I don't think that I even picked up my camera.  Come to think of it, I don't have one memory from black Friday.  Oh wait, I do remember now.  I got an itch to make soup so I went to the store.  When I got home I made soup while Finn watched "The Polar Express."  I watched most of it with him and I do not get it.  It is weird and mostly sad.  I had a good cry at the end of that movie. Finn hated my soup.  He referred to it as the "yucky soup" for the remainder of the weekend.

Saturday was little more memorable.  We spent most of the day at home until it was time to get ready for Madeline's party.  Madeline is the daughter of one of the couples in our Sunday School Class.   We got the boys dressed to go and then took a picture in front of the boys' upstairs tree.

The party was great - I just wish I had actually been prepared.  I forgot to bring extra diapers, I forgot to bring an extra outfit and I didn't pack a coat for either boy.  I failed to mention that this was a bonfire party - and it was cold!!  Thankfully, we spent most the time inside.

As to be expected Finn acted like a total dork.  This was a little girl's party so most of the children were girls.  JT hadn't arrived yet and Finn did not want to play with the girls.  When he finally saw JT he acted like even more of a dork.  It is rare that I get to see JT and Finn playing (I am usually at work when this occurs).  I happened to look up at one point and Finn and JT had hijacked a baby stroller and were running like wild Indian's through the living room.  

Sam was a stinker too - literally.  I think that I have mentioned that Sam has the fouled smelling poop imaginable.  I do not mean to imply that poop is pleasant smelling - but Sam's is just in a whole separate league.  Well he had a doozy of a dirty diaper after supper.  I laid him down to change him and noticed that I didn't have any diapers.  I panicked.  Thankfully, super organized Anna had a size 4 diaper stored away in a closet.  By the time I got back to put it on him Sam had pooped some more.  Thank goodness I set him on top of his outfit.  The hard wood was spared . . . well, mostly.  After I got the diaper on him I realized that I didn't have any clothes.  So Sam spent the rest of the party in his diaper.   About 10 minutes later I smelled it again.  I just assumed that it had lingered.  Wrong; Sam had gone again while I was hold him and it was all up and down my forearm.  I gave up after that.

 Here they are acting "silly."  These two really are best friends.
Waiting for cake. 

After cake we all went outside to roast marshmallows.  And yes, Sam went too - in his birthday suit.


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