Pre Thanksgiving

Everyday I am seeing more and more signs that Finn is in fact my child.  While he may looking nothing like me, he is his mother's child at heart.  May I introduce Exhibit A.

 Michael makes fun of me because I love having the Christmas tree up.  The morning after we put up the tree Finn asked if he could eat his breakfast next to the tree.
Check out that hair!



This week at Victoria's Finn and JT made turkeys and on their feathers they wrote things that they are thankful for; these are Finn: 

1. Singing my song everywhere; 
2. Dinosaurs; 
3. Making art at Victoria's; 
4. Daddy Playing in the kitchen; 
5. Coloring with Mommy and; 
6. Christmas

Just a few pictures of the boys in their Christmas jammies.

The Wednesday before Thanksgiving I stayed home with the boys.  I tried to get the house clean so that I could relax the day after Thanksgiving.  While I cleaned the boys sat in the den and played.  Finn made one of his daily forts with the couch cushions.

Sam stormed the gates (knocked it down), took the fort (sat on it) and pillaged (drank his bottle).  He promptly fell off the back.  While I was cleaning Sam learned how to climb up on the couch. I happened to look over and see Sam's little head bobbing up over the back of the couch.  He was happy! 
 Since the couch cushions were still pulled off, Sam was able to climb up much easier.
Midway through the day I looked up and realized that Finn needed a haircut so we packed up and went to see Danny.  After the haircut he went to the post office and the courthouse.  Finn was pretty good so we made a stop at Sonic for a grilled cheese for lunch.  

We got home around 2:45, meaning the boys didn't get a nap until 3:00.  We woke them up at 4:00 to head to Manchester for Thanksgiving.  We thought we were making great time until Finn told us that he needed to poop.  Thankfully we were close enough to a gas station to stop before a real problem ensued.  We ended up making close to a 20 minute stop.  The joys of potty training!


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