Thankgiving 2012

 We got to Nana and Papa's house around 6:00 on Wednesday night.  When the got there Finn went straight for the Play-Doh and the playroom.  After Em, Zac and the boys arrived we ordered pizza.  We spent a good part of the evening talking and watching the new TV up in the playroom while the boys played.

Bedtime was a bit of a hassle.  Hank and Cooper went to bed without a problem.  My two boys a little less cooperative.  Sam screamed himself to sleep and Finn wouldn't go to bed alone.  He told me that he was scared in the dark by himself in Nana's room.  So Finn stayed up with us until we all went to bed.

The next morning I was awakened at 6:00 by the sounds of elephants running around downstairs.  The elephants being Finn and Cooper.  At 6:15 I looked up and saw sweet little Sam standing up in his crib smiling at me (his crib was at the foot of our bed).  He must have enjoyed being about to wake up and see us.

I decided to go ahead and get up.  When I went downstairs I found Cooper and Finn getting ready to have breakfast.  Finn and Sam both ate doughnuts.  These two little boys can eat more than the all the adults combined.  I believe they may have bonded over their love of food.

Next it was time to play. Sam swung,  and Finn played with the "Free Ride" car. By mid-morning Finn was proficient at signing "Free Ride." 

 Finn chasing down Cooper and Sam
Finn, the back engine.

Then they discovered the leaves . . .

While the little boys played, the big boys cut a tree branch out of one of the big trees. 

 Meanwhile inside, the two disposals ate.   (I posted a lot of these pictures because they are just so cute).

 I love this picture of Sam because it highlights his cute jaws and cheeks. 

 While the food was cooking the boys decided to look at the Christmas tree.  Finn pointed out all the ornaments on the tree that he recognized - like Mickey Mouse, David and the Giant and Jonah and Whale.

 Saying, "Happy Thanksgiving."

 Sam and the bells

 The boys - this attempt at a group picture was disasterous. 

 Mine :)

This attempt a picture was disasterous too. 

Next we opened out Christmas ornaments.  Sam got the Pooh Bear Baby's First Christmas.  Finn got "Alex the Lion from Madegascar. I got a Dumbo ornament, a Mickey Astronaut ornament, and the Mischievous Kittens Ornament.  Finn was so excited that he tore two of my boxes trying to get the ornaments out.

Next was lunch.  Lunch with four boys under the age of four is no easy task.  Finn didn't touch his "Thanksgiving peanut butter sandwhich."  Sam was a jewel - sat quietly through the entire meal and ate everything we offered him. 

After lunch we played upstairs in the playroom - or in Sam's case, the toilet.

Santa even made an appearance.

 Post-turkey nap. 

When we got home the first thing Finn wanted to do was put his new ornament (he claimed them all for himself) on the tree.  Next it was time for bed.  During his prayer Finn told us that he was thankful for

Happy Thanksgiving. 


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