A Year End Review

Tomorrow Sam will be one year old. What a great and joyful year it has been. I was sure that as he emerged screaming into this world (and I mean "screaming uncontrollably") he was going to be one of those baby's that doesn't give his poor parents a moment of peace. Sam was born at 2:11 p.m. and by 8:00 MIchael and I were scared to death to take him home. I am happy to report that we could not have been more wrong. Sam has been such a delight. He is the happiest, smiliest, eatingest (is that a word) baby I could've have ever hoped for.

I believe that all moms get a little sad around their children's birthdays. Maybe I should say happy/sad; happy because their children are growing and healthy, but sad because another year has passed that you (I) will never be able to live again. Even though I feel a twinge of sadness for my growing baby, I am so happy, no thankful, that I have been chosen to be Sam's mom. I have had so much fun this year!

So what is Sam like at 364 days?????

Sam doesn't have any words that are distinguishable, nevertheless, he talks all the time. Every so often he will say "mama" when he is really upset. He laughs at everything. When he is sitting in his high chair and you show him food he rocks violently back and forth in his seat. He loves to play with trucks. He likes "Thomas." He loves "Finn." He is terrified of the vacuum cleaner. He likes to turn himself upside down when you hold him. He is good in nursery. He likes to bury is face in the pillows. Did I mention he likes to eat. He will go to anybody. He loves to play in water - we often find him trying to play in the toilet. He loves to drink bathwater - he fold himself in half in the tub and puts in face all the way in the water and drinks. He is fascinated with Fannie. He claps when he does something that he believes to be great. He poops at least three times everyday. He has six teeth. He reaches with this left hand (for now). He wants to do whatever Finn does. He loves to play with the papers in my office. On Tuesday mornings he lights up when he see Victoria after a long weekend. He loves to play with the DirectV box. We affectionately call him Bruton. He refuses to lay still during a diaper change - I have to pin him between my knees to keep him from crawling off. He cruises now. I have never been paged at church to pick him up from the nursery. The has thrown up twice. He has had one ear infection. He has a perfectly shaped head :) He wants to be held all the time and he likes to be held standing up the best. He can wave. He smiles nonstop. He is my sweetie!


  1. What a great, and joyous year-end review for such a precious boy! Love you Sam, Nana


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