Thank You Nap Nanny

Last week as I up late working I got an email from Babies-R-Us informing me that the "Nap Nanny" has been recalled and that I can bring it back to the store for a store credit. Apparently the recall was for a design flaw that was pretty serious so I decided to look into it. When we got it into the store the sales associated handed me a gift card for $140.00.  I was ecstatic!  I had planned to buy Sam a new carseat for my car for his birthday and dreaded shelling out the $150.00.   I brought a 20% off coupon with me and got a great carseat!  I even got three dollars back, which of course I used at Sonic.

Here is a picture of Sam in his new carseat - or "jail."  Sam was being just awful so I strapped him in for a few minutes while he drank his bottle.


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