First Day of Whiz Kids

Today was Finn's first day of preschool at Whiz Kids in Lebanon. Knowing Finn as well as we do, we have been "talking school up" all week. We were pretty sure that the first week would be pretty traumatic for our "social butterfly" so we have mentioned how much fun it will be every chance we get.

On Monday I went out and bought a few things to get Finn ready for his big day. I stopped at the "Children's Place" and bought Finn a new pair of jeans (4T) since his 3T's are now ankle waders. After supper we all went to Target to buy a new thermos for Finn's bag. I was so excited to let Finn pick out a thermos. I assumed there would be tons of "character" thermoses for Finn to pick up . . . WRONG.  Instead of a fun thermos we bought a thermos that won't leak.

Before bed we reinforced how excited we were for Finn's first day of pre-school.

Tuesday at 6:00 I was up and getting ready for the day. I had to be in trial by 9:00 in Gallatin, so Finn and I needed to leave the house by 7:00 in order to give me plenty of time to get Finn to school and get me to court without getting a reprimand.  Finn was pretty excited about getting his backpack ready.  He made sure that I packed the "string cheese" and his new thermos.  He wasn't as worried about the apples.  I also threw in a fresh pair of underwear and clean pants, just in case the day turned out to be traumatic - catch my drift?  Before leaving, we took the honorary "First Day" pictures.

I asked Finn to turn to the side so that I could see his backpack.  In the picture below I asked him to look over his shoulder.  His "direction following" while it leaves much to desired, is certainly precious.

Next it was time to drive to school. First Finn had a speaker phone call with Nana. He mentioned that after school he was going to go her her house. The rest of the way he jammed out to the "Game of Thrones" opening theme. It takes about 40 minutes to get to school from our house. When we were about 2 minutes from pulling into the parking lot Finn made a comment about how many cars there were on the road. He then said, "I think we need to go home and tell daddy." Nice stall tactic Finn. I told him "no" and that we were almost at school. He asked me if I would go with him. I told him that I would go in but that I couldn't stay the whole time. He looked pretty sad, but said fairly cheerfully, "you will come in for a few minutes though?"

We arrived a little before 8:00. There were already a few children sitting nicely inside playing. Finn's teacher Ms. Wanda greeted us at the door. As expected, Finn stayed very close to me. He acted nervous, but not scared. As I was filling out the paperwork Finn asked the helper if she wanted to see what was in his "James bag"?  (He is so proud of the contents of that bag)  He proceeds to pull his underwear out the bag and hold it high for all to see. I gracefully put his underwear back in his bag. Ms. Wanda then showed Finn his cubby and showed him how to hang his bag inside. Finn did so without incident.

Next it was time for me to leave. I told Finn "good-bye" and assured him that he was going to have a great day. He gave me the sweetest look. He looked so sad, but he didn't cry. I guess I could define it as "putting a brave face on." He was certainly unsure of school, but he seemed to know that this was big day and that he was going to make the best of it. He slowly and deliberately told me "I love you so much mom." Then he took Ms. Wanda's hand and they walked over to wear the other children were sitting. I snuck out as he was walking away. I was so proud of Finn - he didn't shed one tear (that I saw anyway).

Since I was in court Gran picked Finn up and got the scoop from Ms. Wanda on Finn's first day. First he had a short assessment. Finn is developmentally on target. He recognized all of the colors, he passed his counting test, he recognized and could identify, five out of six letter (he correctly identifed the letters O, F, A, X, and T. He missed the letter B), He correctly identified all shapes except for "trapezoid" and "cresent", he traced his name, a circle a few lines and finally he correctly identified all the pictures of action words, hiking, blowing, swimming, painting, pouring, walking, clapping.

Next it was time for pictures! To our great surprise, today was picture day at Whiz Kids, so I will have a nice school day picture to remember the day.

After having their pictures taken the kids had a presentation on cameras and how to use them. Additionally, Finn had is first tutorial on the IPad and played with legos (which he professed to be his favorite).

Ms. Wanda did ask that I pack Finn a heavier snack. Finn ate his apples and his cheese, but complained of being hungry. Ms. Wanda said that for 30 minutes Finn told her how hungry he was. School ends at 11:00, so I assumed he wouldn't need a lot because he would eat lunch after school. Well, I was wrong. In order to appease Finn's rather loud tummy, Ms. Wanda gave Finn some of her snacks. When Gran arrived, the first thing Finn said was, "I'm hungry." Finn ate a cheeseburger, fries and a frosty from Wendy's.

Gran told me that Finn was well behaved and that he didn't cry at all. I am so proud of Finn. He told me when he got home that he wanted to go back.



  1. I can't believe he is only 3 years old, he looks so grown up! I'm proud of you too Finn!


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