And the Gift Goes On

On Thursday Finn made a few passing comments about throwing up.  This didn't make sense to me as he seemed to be just fine. When I got home from work late Thursday night Michael told me that Finn had thrown up at JTs. Again he seemed fine so I watched him the rest of the night and when I put him to bed I assumed it was a one time thing.

On Friday, Finn was little bit more subdued. He wanted to sit on the couch and watch movies. Since he was sick the day before I didn't make him get up and play. Other than that, he seemed fine.  That is until bedtime.  Finn was up at least every hour.  At 4:30 I put him in bed with us thinking that he would sleep more soundly.  I don't think that he laid still for more than three seconds at a time (and I am not being sarcastic).  He just couldn't seem to get comfortable.  At 5:30 we made him go back to his bed.  All the next morning he was just a little off.  I left for a few hours to do a couple of home visits.  When he found out that I was leaving he completely lost it.  I have never seem him cry that hard over me  leaving.  It made me feel terrible. When I got home I tried to take a nap with him but he couldn't lay still and just kept telling me that his tummy hurt.  About an hour later Finn was just laying in the floor, rocking from side to side, holding his tummy and crying.  He just kept saying over and over, "my tummy."  I felt so sorry for him.  I asked him he felt like he was going to throw up and he said "no."  Then I worried that he had a ulcer or his appendix ruptured.  I have just never seem him so miserable. I had to go to the store to pick a few things up and Finn told me that he wanted to go too.  On our way out the door Finn threw up everywhere.  I was so relieved - and so was he.  He kept telling me how much better he felt.

That lasted all of thirty minutes.  He didn't throw up again, but the entire time we were at the store, Finn was whining "tummy."  He wouldn't sit in the buggy so I was pushing the buggy with one hand and holding him with the other, all the while praying that Finn didn't throw up in the store. 

When we got home Finn did nothing the rest of the night but lay on the couch.  He had absolutely no energy.  Finn hasn't been sick very often and I am not used to seeing him so lifeless.  I was pretty awful.   I guess I should prepare for Sam to get it too.


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