Sam's First Hair Cut

This morning Finn and Sam both woke up at 6:45.  We went down stair and made pancakes.  Finn ate two pancakes and Sam ate a whole pancake as well.

While Sam was finishing his breakfast, Finn lined up his cars.

Later in the day we all went for haircuts.  The trip did not start out promising.

Finn had his hair cut first.  Every few minutes he asked "am I almost finished?"  Finn did a great job.  He was very  polite and answered all of Danny's questions.  He almost seemed like a little teenager sitting there carrying on a conversation with Danny.  Next I got my hair cut.  

Then it was Sam's turn.  I sat with him so that he wouldn't fall over.  I am proud to report that he didn't cry at all.  That's not to say that he liked it though.  He didn't want the sheers anywhere near him.  When Danny leaned in to cut his hair Sam leaned as far away as he could.  

As always Danny did a great job.
 The only time Sam got a little nervous was when Danny tried to use the razor.  Sam turned all the way around in my lap and hugged me.  We made every attempt to get him to sit still, but he wouldn't take his eyes off of Danny.  As long as the razor was on, Sam's eyes were on him like a hawk. 

 Finn found the water fountain on the way out.  The water was really cold - hence the face Finn is making.

Close ups of the boys new "dos" (as in hairdos)

 The boys watching the football game.

Midway through the game Finn came running into the kitchen and told me that he had to score a touchdown.  Then he told me that "first he had to get on the line."  This is a picture of Finn on the line.  Then Finn ran though the kitchen through the ball at the cabinets and threw himself on to the floor while yelling "TOUCHDOWN!"


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