Happy Birthday Sam

Monday was Sam's First Birthday.  To celebrate we planned a small party at our house on his actual birthday and invited our friends and family.

I got up early and got ready so that we could get the day started.  First we went to the store to get a few things that I needed for Sam's party.  When we got home the boys played upstairs while I cleaned.

We had a really busy day.  Between the shopping, cooking, cleaning and baths we barely had a minute to breathe.  Sam's party was scheduled to begin at 6:30. Gran and Grandad and Gigi arrived first.  Gran helped me get the food ready while Grandad and Gigi entertained the boys.  We really didn't have a theme for the party but Gran graciously brought cowboys plates.

My friend Samantha and her son Evan were some of the first guests to arrive.  Sam and Evan played in the floor together.  Sam, unlike Finn, really enjoys being around other babies.

The other guest arrived in one large clump a few minutes later.  We had a really great turnout despite the weather (we had freezing rain).   In attendance were: Nana, Papa, Emily, Zac, Cooper, Hank, Grandad, Gigi, Gran, Chelsea, Carissa, Brandon, Addison, Ella, John, Victoria, JT, Lindsey, Anna, Roger, Madeline, Caroline, Samantha and Evan.

Next we served dinner.  We decided to on pizzas from "Papa Murphey's."  Gran brought a salad and vegetable plate,  and we made buffalo chicken dip.  Sam ate an entire piece of pizza.  After eating his I think he may have bummed some more from Lindsey.

I love this picture.  We all gathered for a family group picture - and without missing a beat JT jumped in.

Next we opened up the presents. Sam had lots of help opening his gifts. Sam's gifts were wonderful - thank you to everyone!  To name a few he got clothes from Grandad and Gigi, blocks from the Ponds, cars and gift card from Em and her boys, a Titan's pillow person from JT, a triceratops stuffed animal from Evan (which I am tempted to sleep with it is so comfortable), a balls activity center from Gran, Gene and Minnie got him a balls activity center too and a Veggie Tales movie, a Batman t-shirt along with a sweater and matching pants and jean from Uncle James and Aunt Chelsea, a vibrating elephant from Nana and Papa.

The last gift that Sam opened was a storage bench from Nana and Papa.  I picked it out for him - I love that I can still pick out things that "I" really want him to have.  He explored the bench pretty thoroughly.  First he explored the top of the bench  . . . .

 Then he explored the inside  . . .

 Next it was time for cake.

I brought the cake into the living room and we sang to Sam while he was sitting on his bench.  This is a picture of Michael catching Sam as he was leaning into the cake.

We gave Sam in the first piece of cake and he tore into it like beast.  In all he ended up eating two pieces.  His second piece was a bit smaller.  Eating cake was Sam's favorite activity of the entire night.  He was pretty tired and fussy around the time the party began, but perked right up when the cake was served.

Trying to figure out the best way to approach this.

Gran brought this hat for Sam to wear since it matched his cowboy plates.  We were only able to get him to wear for a few seconds at a time before he shook it off. 


Sam was not the only little boy that enjoyed cake.

Some of our other "party people."  Thank you to everyone who sent pictures and took pictures with my camera.  I don't think that I was able to take more than a couple on my own.

Papa gest the "best sport" award for the night.  He played with Finn and the other kids in the play room for a long time.  I went upstairs at one point and saw Papa getting piled.  Later in the evening I asked Finn if he had a good time playing with his friends.  He said "yes." I asked who he like playing with the best and named all the kids at the party.  Finn said, "Papa."

After everyone left Gran and Chelsea stayed to help us clean up.  Thank you Gran for helping so much with the party - it was a huge help.  

Next we gave Sam the present that we got for him.  His big present was his car seat (exciting), but I got him a little, tiny, soft puppy that walks.  I thought he would love it.  He was a little scared of it actually. 

Happy Birthday Sam - we love you.


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