Sam's One Year Appointment

On Thursday Sam had his one year appointment with Dr. Johnson. And of course, I missed most of it because I had to be in court at 9:00. Mamas don't let your babies grow up to be lawyers. I was able to stay for the first little bit, but missed the bulk of it. Poor little Sam got four shots. Michael said that he cried pretty hard at first, but recovered well. At one year Sam weights 25.2 pounds, is 29.5 inches tall and his head circumference is 47.5 centimeters.

As always they warned us that Sam may be a little lethargic after his shots - and was he ever - the next day he took a five (5) hour nap. I had to go in and wake him up or it could've been even longer.

Tonight (Saturday) Sam started talking. Gran came over to check on Finn (Finn is sick with a stomach bug) and Sam just started talking up a storm. Over the past few days I have noticed that Sam seems to be saying "yeah." I will ask him a question and his responds with "yeah." I don't know if it is coincidence or not, but I think that he IS trying to respond to my questions.

Well tonight, Sam said "all done" when Gran was feeding him - it sounded more like "ah da." He signed too. Then out of nowhere he copied me saying "mama." For the first time he said "mama" while he was happy. I even got it on video! Then he said "dada." When Gran left he attempted to say "bye." It turned out sounding like "bu bu." He was really only making the "b" sound but he was waving too. I told Gran that I need to move her in with us because Sam has never attempted so many words. Now I don't want to give anyone the impression that we don't work with Sam. I am constantly saying "mama" "bites" "more" "daddy" "Finn." I really do talk to him and so does Michael. But there is just something about Gran - he really pulls it out of him. After she left I went threw more words with Sam. He can make the "p" sound - so "papa" and "pa" may not be too far away.


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