Playing Catch up

It has been a busy work wee for me.  I have been in trial all day everyday so I spent most of my night working after the boys went to bed (the reason I haven't blogged in a while).  Well, I guess it goes without saying that I have been pretty tired.  Unfortunately Finn picked this week as the week that wasn't going to sleep anymore.  Tuesday night Michael was out of town for a hearing so I let Finn sleep with me.  He woke me up every 45 minutes to ask if it was time to get up yet.   At about 3:30 I was ready to body slam him.  At 5:30 he finally fell sound asleep.  It was a shame that I had to get him up an hour later.  I don't see how he functioned that day.   This trend as continued through the week.

On Wednesday night Gigi came to spend the night to keep the boys while I was in court on Thursday.  We ate Pizza and watched Nashville and played with the boys.  It was so nice to get up on Thursday and just leave the house without getting boys up, dressed, fed and packed for the day.  When I got home Finn was not feeling well again.  Gigi had fixed spaghetti and we all ate before she went home.

On Tuesday night I was playing with Finn in his room.  He wanted to play "going to JT's house" so he told me that I needed to get my socks on.  I asked him to put them on for me.  He tried everything in his power to get my socks on.  He struggled for several minutes before giving up.  He then told me that I could go to JT's without socks.  I refused.  Exasperated he put his hands on his hips and stomped before trying again with no success.  Then you could see an idea cross his face.  He said, "mom, we are going to the beach - we don't wear socks to the beach."  He thought he had outsmarted me (which he had).  But again I refused.  He took a long look at me, dropped the sock on the floor and walked out of the room without saying a word.  The entire exchange to me was really funny.  It is probably one of those times that you just had to be there. 


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