You Chose Poorly

Last night when putting Finn to bed he looked at me and said, "since Daddy's not here we can read this."  He hands me his dinosaur book.  We always read Finn's Bible before bed.  He knows that we don't read anything else.  Well, I am sorry to say that I caved.  He was so precious and asked so nicely that I told him we could read his dinosaur book.  I also explained that if we read his dinosaur book we cannot read anything else.  Finn agreed to these terms.  After we read a chapter in the dinosaur book, I closed the book and started to tuck Finn in.  He turned to me and said, "now let's read a Bible story."  I reminded him of our deal.  He thought about it for a few seconds and said, "I was wrong mom."

I got so tickled.  I gave him a big hug and we read a story from his Bible.

Tonight as I was tucking Finn in he told me that he wanted to pray for "Gran to not be sick" (go to love those phrases).  I prayed for a Gran and a few other things and said "Amen."  Finn then informed me that I prayed "wrong" and that I was supposed to pray like this . . . "Dear God, thank you for this day and help us to have a nice day." (This is Finn's standard prayer.)  Then he made an addendum, "and thank you for Jesus."  Amen!


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