And the Rain, Rain, Rain, came Down, Down, Down

We have had a lot of rain lately.  Sunday may have been the worst day.  As we were sitting in the church service we could hear the bottle fall out.  I immediately thought, we will never get home.  We go to a fairly large church.  This means we have a large parking lot and lots of people trying to leave all at the same time.  Immediately after the service ended we grabbed the boys.  It was pouring when we reached the doors.  We knew that it would take forever for Michael to put around to pick us up so we decided to make a run for it.  Both of the boys thought that it was really fun!  Sam laughed and Finn splashed in puddles.  When we got to the car we were all drenched to the bone.   It did take us a while to get out of the parking lot, but we managed to get home.

Later in the two of my younger client's came to visit with me in my home.   They are both little girls under the age of ten (10) so they were really excited to play with Sam.  Sam had a ball - he crawled back and forth and played non stop for an hour and a half.  He was exhausted at the end of the day.

That night I got a wild hair to shampoo all the carpets in the house.  Michael kindly indulged my sudden impulse and went to rent the carpet cleaner.  I LOVE shampooing my carpets because I LOVE seeing how dirty the water is when I am done.  And let me say that the water was practically black!  It was great!

After I finished I made homemade ice cream and Michael and I sat down and watched the "Golden Globes."  I love the GG - now more than ever because they remind me of Sam.  The year before I watched the GG in the hospital holding Sam. 

A dry Sam before church on Sunday.


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