Bringing Up Boys

Coming from a house of all girls and having mostly girl cousins I have been had the best time watching my boys do "boy" things. I know that since they are so young that this is just the tip of the iceberg, but I look at as a glimpse of what is to come; for better and assuredly worse.

Example 1:

After supper on Tuesday while I was cleaning up the kitchen I hear a "weazy" little laugh come from the den. I walked in to see Finn and Sam in their first wrestling match. Finn was completely on top of Sam and Sam was laughing as much as his little compressed lungs would allow. I got so tickled at them. I could literally see them at age seven and five doing the same thing. I had to throw in the towel so to speak for poor Sam because he was having too much fun to realize that Finn was probably hurting him.

Example 2:

On the way home from JT's on Wednesday, Finn, out of the blue said, "I farted on JT." I stifled a laugh. Then he said, "and then JT farted on me." Little boys must be able to pass gas on command.

Example 3:

On Wednesday night before giving the boys their bath, Finn asked me if he could use the potty standing up. I helped him get in the optimal position for precision and then he started. Since I had two hands on Finn (helping him balance) I failed to notice that Sam was quickly approaching. Next thing I knew a little set of hands were darting in and out of Finn's "stream." Lesson learned.

I do love having boys.


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