Christmas to New Years

This morning I happened to look over and see my laptop buried in a pile of stuff that needed to be put away.  I instantly felt that pit in my stomach because I realized that I hadn't blogged in a several days.   This blog is both a joy and a source of constant stress.  I love having the ability to document the boys' lives, but I get a little stressed out if I go a few days without blogging.  So this blog, aptly titled "Christmas to New Years" will chronicle that peaceful and chill week.

The Thursday after Christmas Michael went back to work. This meant that me and the boys had the house to ourselves.  Right after Michael closed the door, Finn looked over at me and said, "since Daddy's gone I can eat Oreos."  It is clear to me that Finn sees me as the "fun" parent.  I guess I will have to go about trying to equal the playing field. We didn't do a whole lot - we most spent the day playing with boys' new to toys.

Despite this happy face, Sam has been pretty awful these past few days.  He spends a fourth of his days upset about something - who knows what.  At one point Sam started fussing - Finn pointed at him and very sarcastically said, "and there it is."  He picked that phrase up from Michael.

At noon Uncle David and Aunt Sharon came by.  Sharon and I went to see Les Mis while Uncle David stayed with the boys.  Sam took another one of his almost five (5) hour naps while Uncle David and Finn played monster Jam and watched Madagascar 3.  Les Mis was really good and I am glad that I was able to go with Sharon. That night I took the Christmas ornaments off of the tree.  Finn did his best to stop me.  He couldn't understand why I was taking his ornaments off his tree.  I told Finn that we had to take the ornaments off because Christmas was over.  He looked at me and pitifully said, "but I want Christmas to be on."   I managed to get all the ornaments in their boxes without any causalities. 

On Friday I woke up early and went to do a little work in Lebanon.  Gran and Pa came over to stay with the boys.  I got home around 11:00 and upon pulling into the driveway could smell the smoke coming from the chimney - our first fire of the winter season.   Gran and Finn where sitting at the kitchen table doing artwork.  Gran and Pa left soon after I arrived because Gran was not feeling well.  I learned that Gran was diagnosed with both Type A and Type B flu.  Everyone in my house had a flu shot (except for me) but we all feel fine.  Next I put the boys down for their nap and took a nice cozy nap on the couch in front of the fire.  When Michael got home from work we decided to go to Qdoba's for dinner. None of us felt all that great so I decided not to cook. It had snowed/rained on and off all day so Finn wore his snow boots to dinner - he looked so cute.  Finn and Sam shared a bowl of black beans and then we headed home.  It was so cold and rainy and nasty outside that I was happy to be back home in our cold house.

 Before bed we turned "Thomas" on for the boys.  We officially have a new "Thomas" fan in our house.  When Sam hears the music he stops whatever he is doing and makes b-line for the TV.

On Saturday Michael decided that he wanted to go to Firehouse for lunch.   As always Finn got his Cheetos and started eating.  He told us "Cheetos are so good for me."  He followed up with "but they are not healthy."   Saturday was really slow.  When we got home the boys napped and they we hung around the house until we got a call from Greg and Shelley asking if we wanted to get some supper.  We met them at Cracker Barrel.  While waiting for our table Finn and Sam played with the toys.

When the waiter asked what we wanted to drink Finn jumped in and said "pancakes!"    Finn was eager for pancakes.  As the waiter was moving on to take another order Finn said, "macaroni too!"  We stuck to pancakes.

Sam ate whatever he could find.  He and Finn shared my biscuit, Sam ate half of my grit, a piece of my sausage and one of Finn's pancakes.  This was the result.

On Sunday Michael went to the Titan's game with Pa, David and James.  The boys and I had a busy day at home.  First we cleaned everything!  It looks so nice in here now (well at least downstairs).  I put all the Christmas stuff back in the garage, I gathered and sorted all the "Goodwill" stuff (Finn even helped - he went through his toy box and gave me a few toys that he never played with).   Next Finn sat at the kitchen table and painted me and Michael several pictures. After every pictures Finn asked me, "Mom is this beautiful?"

 After all that hard work Finn told me that he was tired and wanted to go to sleep.  While Finn was sleeping Sam played with Finn's monster trucks.

New Years Eve was pretty dreary.  It was dark, cold and rainy.  I went for a run early in the morning and then spent the rest of the day at home.  Sam and I did get out for a few minutes to go to the shoe store. (I had to get a new pair of running shoes as I had run holes in the bottom of mine).  While I was trying on shoes I looked over and Sam was crawling as fast as he could down a shoe aisle.  He grabbed anything and everything he could get his hands on and pulled it off the shelf.  I did find a great pair of running shoes in the boys aisle.  (I usually buy little boys tennis shoes because they fit my feet, they are much cheaper and they don't have pink as the accent color)  However, I spent most of the trip cleaning up after "Speedy Gonzolas." It is a wonder that we left the place in one piece.

On New Years Eve night we went over to Brandon and Carissa house. We arrived around 8:00 and Sam went to sleep in Ella's bed.  Finn played with Addison until midnight.  They had so much fun! They played cars and hide-n-seek, and ate pizza.  At one point they came downstairs wearing partial costumes.  Finn was wearing a fireman's hat and an "Incredible Hulk" fist.  He looked so precious.  Finn actually made it to midnight and we three rang it in together. Then we immediately went home.


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