Acorns and Pinecones

On Friday the boys and I got a great surprise - Emily and Hank came to see us!  Em was shopping in the area and stopped by for a visit.  Finn was very excited.  He wanted to show his Aunt Em all of his toys.  Hank showed absolutely no interest in me until I brought my oatmeal over.  When he saw it he started scooting towards me smacking his lips - he is so cute.

Around noon we left for our big adventure to Coffee County.  Before embarking on the journey we stopped to get the car washed.  Finn loves getting the car washed.  We pretend that we are getting eaten by an octopus and then sinking to the bottom of the ocean.  I am really setting this child up for night terrors.  Finn doesn't care for the vacuuming part at all - probably because he is still strapped in while I vacuum and I accidentally sucked his shirt up.   Sam slept through the entire thing. 

Next we went to visit Michael at his office. On the way Finn decided that he wanted to sing.  After singing a rather spirited and expression filled rendition "The Deal, No Deal" from the Broadway failure, but concert revival smash, "Chess", Finn looked and me and said, "I am a good singer Mom."  I just love to watch Finn sing.  He really gets into it.  He uses the appropriate facial expressions and opens his mouth really wide.

After spending a few minutes at Michael's office we had a quick lunch at Qdoba's.  Then we (me and the boys) headed to Tullahoma to spend the night at Dad's. 

The first thing we did when we got to Dad's house was to eat Pizza.  Then we went to Gene and Minnie's house to blow bubbles.

Gene and Minnie also gave Finn the wagon that they made him, complete with an "F" on the handle to show that it was Finn's.  Finn loved his wagon.  He immediately pulled it out into the yard and put his "treasures" inside.

Finn had a great time looking for and subsequently loading acorns and pine cones into his wagon.  He likes acorns and pine cones because the silly mouse (which is actually a squirrel) from Ice Age is always chasing an acorn and some of the characters eat pine cones.  He also put some of Mrs. Minnie's iris' in his wagon.  He really did look precious hauling his wagon along.  After a while he noticed that there were hundreds of pine cones up in the trees.  He asked Grandad if he could lift him up to get a few.  That was easier said than done as the pine cones were very prickly.  To remedy the situation Finn began to beat the pine cones down with a stick.

While Finn was playing in the yard Sam sat with Minnie and rocked.  Sam was an angel the entire trip. In fact, he slept until 5:00 in the morning - I gave him his pacifier and he slept two (2) more hours.

The next morning Finn had pancakes for breakfast and then he and Grandad went to Winchester to get the jet-skis fixed and then to the post office.

Sam and I stayed at the house and watched a movie with Gigi.  When the boys got back we ate a quick lunch and then I packed the car while Finn when back over to Gene and Minnie's for a few minutes.

We had a really nice trip. Thank you Gene and Minnie for the wonderful wagon.


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