"Lord Beer Me Strength"

First, let's thank the "Nard-Dog" for that little gem of Americana.  Second, this post, more appropriately, should be entitled "Happy 31st Birthday Michael."  However, given how most of the day unfolded, I believe the given title to be a more accurate representation of the day.

Friday was Michael's 31st birthday.  Finn and I woke up and cooked him a big breakfast of french toast, eggs and turkey sausage.  Finn had a great time cooking breakfast because he was able to crack several eggs.  He also discovered that french toast is almost as good as pancakes.

After breakfast everything went downhill, way downhill.  Finn was so awful that I hardly recognized him.  He had at least 8 meltdowns.  I was so dissappointed in him.  At one point I had to go into the bathroom and pray to calm down.  I called Michael to let him listen in on Finn's fits and he was shocked too.  He got home in time to catch the tail end of one.

I was so excited to do fun birthday events with Finn, but he pretty much ruined it all. I had planned to take Finn to Gigi's Cupcakes to let him pick out a cupcake for himself and for Michael but he threw such a tantrum in the parking lot that we ran in, grabbed the cupcakes as quickly as we could and left.

When Michael got home Finn's mood improved somewhat, but he still wasn't his sweet self.  As a punishment for a whole day's worth of screaming, stomping and crying, Finn was not permitted to go outside the entire day.  THE HORROR!  Finn would live outside if we would let him, so not getting to play outside was a big deal to him. 

Sam of course was great all day.

After Finn had spent a sufficient amount of time in major trouble, we sat down and ate a cupcake.  Michael had the "wedding cake" cupcake and Finn and I split a "strawberry margerita" cupcake.  Finn is not a good cupcake sharer.  I split the cupcake in half with a knife and put one half on my plate and the other half on Finn's.  While I wasn't paying attention, that little booger ate my icing. 

A little while later Gran came to stay with the boys so that Michael and I could go for Michael's birthday dinner.  We went to Casa Veija and then we bought some ice cream from Cold Stone and ate it outside at the Streets of Indian Lake. 

When we got home we put the boys to bed and watched a movie on the couch.  "Happy Birthday Sweetie - sorry that your party was so lame."  For that one we can thank Michael Scott.


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