Easter Eve

You would never know that Finn was sick the night before.  He woke up bright and early and in a boisterous mood.  He was quite the pill all day today.  Even Sam was a little less pleasant that normal, despite how he looks in this picture.

During Finn's nap I went to town to get his Easter outfit - better late than never I guess.  After Finn woke up we started the process of making our Easter cake.  I had planned to do an Easter activity with Finn but since he had already painted eggs I thought it might be fun to make an Easter cake.  Given Finn's love of cake,  marshmallows and candy I thought this activity was well suited to his likes and interests.

 Pouring the water.  Finn even cracked the eggs all by himself.  He did a good job too.
 Beating the batter. We had to do in the floor because Micheal had turned the power off to the other plugs so that he could fix the light.

After we baked the first layer, we hopped in the car and went to Kroger to buy Peeps and chocolate eggs for the cake.  Once again both Finn and Sam were a little obnoxious. When we got home we found that Michael had fixed the light in our kitchen - thank goodness!  I was so proud of my "Mr. Fix It."  After supper Finn and I decorated his Easter cake.  He thought putting the eggs on was pretty fun.  He did a good job, but he kept wanted to push the eggs all the way into the cake.

Putting on the finish touches - the chocolate eggs.  The cake is a butter pecan cake with cream cheese icing, Peeps (Papa will love this cake) and Reese's Pieces Eggs. 

 The conquering hero with his finished product. 

Next Finn and Michael went outside to put mulch around the trees.

Sam and I finished preparing the food for lunch tomorrow and then we took a little walk on the property back behind the couch.  By the time we got inside it was dark and time for baths.  Finn was filthy and took his second bath of the day.  Sam had his first bath in the sink.  He hated it.

Before bed we read Finn his Easter stories. It was a really wonderful day.

Good Friday: I didn't take any pictures so I attached Good Friday to today's post.

Friday morning Finn came running into our bedroom.  He must have known it was a holiday because he asked for pancakes.  It would have been my pleasure to make pancakes for Finn but for the fact it was 6:00 a.m.  Finn has been waking up A LOT at night and then getting up really early in the morning.

At around 8:30 Grandad and Gigi came to visit and give the boys their Easter presents.  Finn got a "Cranky" a "Nigel" and a Hudson Hornet night light.  Sam got a cute frog onsie.   Finn and Grandad played outside which made Finn really happy.  After Michael and I showered we went for lunch and then went to buy the contents of Finn's Easter basket.

Later on that evening David and Sharon came over to hang with Finn and Sam while Michael and I went to Rose Pepper with our friends for the April birthday boys.

At 2:30 I heard Finn crying really loudly in the hallway.  I ran over to get him and saw that he had thrown up all over himself and his bed. We got him cleaned up and back in bed.  Luckily it was only the one time.


  1. Finn,
    Your cake looks so good! I wish I could have a piece of it! You have such a good Mom to do such fun things with you.


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