Baby Diaper

Tonight Finn shocked me at dinner by eating spaghetti.  I don't make spaghetti often because he won't eat it and I end up making two dinners;  one for me and Michael and one for the pickiest boy in the room.  On this particular night I made mine and Michael's plates and set them on the table.  When I looked back I saw Finn sitting in my chair eating spaghetti off of my plate.  I immediately grabbed his bowl and filled it with spaghetti.  He inhaled the first bowl and asked for seconds.  He was a complete mess when all was said and done, but I am happy that he is at least trying new foods.
After supper we all went outside and rolled cars on the new patio. It isn't completely finished yet - we still have to stain it, but we can tell already that the patio is going to be the hot new place to hang out. 

 Finn loves rolling his cars on the smooth concrete.
For the past few nights Finn has woken up wet in the middle of the night.  He has been doing really great in pull-ups during the day (thanks in part to Victoria :) but they aren't absorbent enough for heavy nighttime use.  Tonight after Finn used the toilet we went into his bedroom and I tried to put a regular diaper on him.  The minute I said the words his eyes filled up with big crocodile tears and he said, "please don't put me in a baby diaper mom."  Then walked over to me, buried his head in my shoulder and wept.  Usually when Finn cries it is either fake, a whine cry, or an "I am hurt" cry.  Tonight was different - it was as though I had truly hurt his heart and it broke mine.  I gave Finn a big hug and told me that he didn't have to wear it.  As I was kissing him goodnight a few minutes later he said "please take the baby diaper out of my room." 

Sam has made major strides this week.  For two nights in a row he has slept from 9:30 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. without waking up at all.  He is one impressive sleeper.


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