
Or as we American's call them "flip flops."  This year for Easter Gran bought Finn his first pair of flip flops.  I got them out yesterday (Friday) and prepared to put them on Finn's feet.  Finn grabbed one and in his most excited voice said, "this is for outside!"  His expression quickly changed and somewhat unassured said, "I think?"  I laughed pretty hard at that one.

After we all got ready for the day we made what was supposed to be a quick trip to Wal-Mart.   We ended shopping for around an hour.  While there I bought Finn some more Play-Doh as his was already hard and crusty due to the fact that I lost the lid.  On the way home I stopped at Sonic to get a drink and ordered Finn a grilled cheese.  All day he had been singing the song from Madagascar.  I tried to get him to sing it again while waiting for our food.  He told me that "we don't sing while in the grilled cheese space."  (Finn calls the slots at Sonic the "grilled cheese space." )  When we got home Finn took a nap.  On his way up the stairs to take his nap Finn gave me a big hug and said very sweetly, "thank you for coming to the store with me today to buy Play-Doh."  I loved the way he implied that he planned the trip, drove to Wal-Mart and purchased the Play-Doh. 

When Michael got home we took the boys to the park to play.  Finn rode the merry go round for the first time and loved it. Then he swung with dad.

 One my very favorite pictures of Michael.
 Next we went to Lowe's to attempt to purchase our grille.  Finn tried out the merchandise.

Alright, I confess, I stuck him in that tub and took his pictures.  Finn's only real interest was in the lawn mowers.

 He sat on every lawnmower in the first row.  He would shift from one to the next.

This is a picture of Finn reading the "map."  He had to find out where he was going.  Finn also thought the bird feeders were great.  I guess it is time to get one for our "biggish" tree in the back yard.


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