Ressurection Sunday

On Sunday Finn went with Gran to the "Resurrection Sunday" event at my sister-n-law Sharon's Grandfather's church (that was a mouthful). It is really a neat event - they have it at their home and they serve breakfast, have an egg hunt and color eggs.  They also present the Easter story to the kids by having them open plastic eggs containing items that pertain to the story, i.e. nails, dice, etc.

Michael, Sam and I went to our church for Sunday School and then after catching a quick lunch at Firehouse (you guessed it) we went to join Finn.  When we got there we found Finn coloring eggs with Finney (who happens to have a brother named Sam).  When he saw us he yelled, "I'm making artwork!"
 David and Sharon were also there which meant that David and Sam were introduced.
We also saw the second egg hunt.  We missed the first one which Finn apparently won.  During the second hunt Finn would run to an egg and instead of putting in his bucket and running for the next, he would stop, open the egg, and eat the candy inside. After seeing this I had serious doubts about Finn's alleged win.

After eating a pound of candy (he is clearly my child) Finn asked for his cupcake.  He was a complete mess.
When we got home Michael and Finn mowed the yard.  It was so cute.  Finn got his little push mower and walked behind Michael for almost half an hour while Michael was mowing.

I also went through Finn's closet and took out all of his winter clothes.  While I was doing that Finn put me to bed.  He read me a story, turned on the music, covered me up and gave me pillow.  After turning the lights out Finn stood at the door and whispered, "if you stay in your bed I won't close the door."  This is the last thing we say to Finn at night and it works like a charm.  He is so afraid of the door being closed that he does not get up. 

Around 6:00 John came to pick up Michael for an event at church.  I asked Finn if he wanted to go downstairs and say hello to John.  The minute he saw John he said, "I poo-pooed in my diaper."  This child is too honest for his own good. You never have to wonder if Finn has been "bad" because he will tell on himself every time.

Later that night Finn had a bath.  Between the dirt on his feet, the dye on his hands, the cupcake icing and the grass, Finn was filthy!


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