Stranger Danger!

Sunday was a big day for Sam - his first day in the nursery.  This got me thinking about Finn's first few months in the nursery.  I was called to come get him every Sunday for three months.  He was awful in the nursery; surely Sam would be bad as well.  During the service I kept waiting for my number to flash across the screen; it didn't.  When I went to pick up Sam I found him sitting in a swing, wide awake, just chillin.   As the nursery worker handed Sam to me she said, "he is the best baby . . . he is so content."  I guess my days of watching the sermon from the lactation room are over.  While I was getting Sam Michael when to pick up Finn.  His teachers said that he went down the big slide all by himself. 

After church we ate lunch with Chelsea at Firehouse.  After Finn was finished eating he got up from his seat, walked up to the nearest stranger and handed her his trash.  I could not believe it - I was mortified.  Finn, my Finn, does not ever approach much less speak to strangers.  It took him ages to get used to his own family.  I was so shocked.  I guess this means that I am not exempt from having the "stranger danger" talk. 

When we got back from Firehouse we helped Michael and David load the UHaul with our red couches.  Finally those things are out of the garage!  Finn, of course,  loved the UHaul.  Next Finn took a nap while I played with Sam.  Sam was all kinds of cute - he found his feet for the first time, but I couldn't get a good picture.  He grabbed the feet ends of his sleeper and start tugging.

He also had fun laughing at his mom.  Sam has the cutest laugh.  He puts his whole face into it and laughs out loud.  For some reason he thought I was particularly funny.   I was only singing an exaggerated version of "Hedwigs Theme" from Harry Potter.  Every time I would "bum" it (I sang the theme only using the "bum" sound) he laughed.  All that laughing and "bumming" tuckered Sam out and he took a nap too.

Finn joined us after his nap was over.

Right before bed I turned Madagascar on for Finn and went into the kitchen to clean up.  When I walked back into the den I saw Finn sitting with Sam.  I don't want to Sam to grow up too fast, but I do look forward to them playing together. Finn really is a sweet brother - never mind the fact that he tried to give Sam to Juvenile court clerk today.


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