Facing His Fears

Today Finn made me so proud.  He walked bravely into Mr. Oliver's office, walked right up to Mr. Oliver and "gave him five!"  Last year at this time Finn would cry at the very mention of Mr. Oliver's name.  This year he answered all of his questions and didn't hide in my legs at all.   How far we have come.  He did however, get a little nervous when I asked if he wanted to give Mr. Oliver a hug. We also made a stop at my friend Samantha's office where Finn talked the secretary's ear off.  When we entered the building the secretary asked me what my name was and I responded.  Finn immediately said, "my name is Finn and I love my Daddy."

Today was a much better day for Finn.  We only had one little episode this morning.  Finn also worked out with me. I gave him a little "one" pound weight and he did curls with me.  Finn's  counting cracked me up.  He counted 1 through 20 and then after 20 said, "30, 40, 50."  I guess learning to county by "tens" will be a breeze for Finn.

After dinner Finn, Sam and I played upstairs in Finn's kitchen.  Finn thought it was fun to put me to bed and then wake me up and cook my breakfast.  He also played the "who says that" game.  This is a game that Finn made up.  He will quote a line from a movie (right now all quotes are from Madagascar) and ask me who says that. 


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