Pancake Saturday

Finn's internal clock is set to Saturday.  Somehow or another he knows to ask for pancakes on Saturdays and on no other day.  This Saturday Finn came running into our bedroom as fast as he could and asked for pancakes.  He always cheers when I tell him "okay."  Here we have Finn enjoying his pancakes on his Mickey plate.

 After finishing his pancakes Finn decided to terrorize Sam for a while.  Most of the time Sam seems to enjoy Finn.  But as you can see by the picture below Sam merely tolerated Finn this morning.

I love walking into the room as seeing exactly what the boys have been up to.  This morning I learned that Finn uses Sam as a race track. 

 I have no idea how this happened. After washing the dishes I return to the den to find this . . .
The rest of the day was pretty laid back.  I had a meeting at Cracker Barrel and when I got home Michael and Finn helped Brandon workout.

That night the four of us went to O'Charley's for the most "onion-y" dinner we have ever eaten.  We had to send the appetizer back twice and then Michael's pasta ended up being full of onions.  Thankfully the boys were well behaved.


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