Look Who's One

Saturday morning was rough.  Michael and I stayed up way too late watching the movie so we took turns napping until Hank's birthday party.  If either of the boys did anything cute, no one was awake to see it, much less document it.

Saturday was also Hank's first birthday party.  We all went to Em's house to celebrate.  The party was great.  The food was good, the cake was great and Finn had fun playing in Cooper and Hank's "Dreamatorium."  I call it the dreamatorium (a term that I did not make up, by the way) because it may be the best playroom north of the equator. 

I am sure that Hank received lots of great presents.  I missed that part because I was feeding Sam.  Conveniently, I did not miss the cake.  Neither did Finn.

During the party Sam figured out how to suck his thumb. He didn't have the mechanics down perfectly, but I expect to have a son with a fantastically awful overbite soon.

When we got home we all went outside to play.  Finn spent most of the night collecting rocks on the patio.  After he was done he loaded the rocks into his wagon and dumped them in the back of the yard.  Sam was very content outside in his nap nanny. 

Right before bed and I played with his new "Cars" puzzles and Sam and Michael watched basketball.

For his bedtime story Finn picked out an Easter story about the real meaning of Easter.  When we got to part about Jesus dieing for our sins Finn stopped me and said, "I will obey my parents and my grandparents."

Sunday after church we went to "Red Robin" to redeem Michael's free birthday burger.


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