Aunt Deanna

After leaving Grandad and Gigi's we went to Deanna's parent's home in Tullahoma to visit.  I told Finn that if he was really good at Deanna's we would get some ice cream.  I can only report that Finn gave it his best shot.  He wasn't great - but he was at least sweet.  He kept asking if he could go downstairs and play with the toys.  I had to keep telling him that there weren't any toys and that he would just have to sit still.  Instead, he emptied the diaper bag, throwing diapers (clean, thankfully) all over Mrs. Marie's living room. 

Sam and I at least had a great visit.  It was first time for Sam and Deanna.  When she held him he just looked at her and smiled.  Deanna was my best friend through middle school and up.  We were also roommates in college and keep in touch now that we are old women.  I miss Deanna but I am glad that we were able to catch up even for a short time.


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