Easter 2012

First, let me say it is really hard to worship on Easter Sunday when you have a new baby and sick toddler.  Thankfully God knows exactly what he is doing and allows us to worship in the most common ways.  Every time I look at my boys I am reminded of how wonderful the Lord is and how thankful I am that he died for my sins and how blessed I am that he entrusted me with Finn and Sam - stinkers though they may be :)

This morning Finn slept until 8:00 - first sign that something wasn't quite right.  After eating one bite of his breakfast he went back upstairs, crawled in bed with Michael and slept until 9:30 - that is just down right weird.  Third, he whined the rest of the morning.  This is not uncommon for Finn, but coupled with the other two I started to think that he wasn't feeling well.  On Easter Sunday morning we always go to chruch with Gran.  The congregation meets at the Senior Citizen Center.  The Center has two big ajoining rooms.  The sermon takes place in one room and fellowship in the other.  Usually I spend Easter Sunday sitting in the fellowship room with Finn.  Seeing as how this year I had two boys I was sure to miss the sermon.  Well, much to my surprise, Finn did not make a peep the entire time; more evidence that he is feeling lousy.  Sam on the other hand filled up his diaper during a particuraly quiet portion of the service.  Everyone heard.  So I took him to the fellowship room to change him.  After I had changed him I pulled a recliner over to the door of the service room and listened to the sermon and rocked Sam.  It was a wonderful way to listen to the Easter sermon.

After church we brougt the boys home and put them both to bed.  Then Michael and I sat out Finn's Easter basket.  We got him a "Cars" racetrack, "Madagascar" and Playdough. 

When Finn woke up he was still feeling a bit groggy - however he perked right upon seeing the Play-Doh.  Who knew the 88 cent Play-Doh would be his favorite. He told me that it was just like the Play-Doh in Sunday School. 

Next we loaded up Finn's cake, the dinner food, and the boys and went to Gran's house for lunch.  Once at Gran's the boys opened their Easter baskets.  The boys got losts of wonderful gifts but my favorite was the matching swimming trunks.

After lunch Finn went outside for his egg hunt.  Uncle David and Michael hid the eggs while we women were supposed to keep Finn inside.  Well, we failed miserably as Finn escaped and saw where the eggs were hidden.  Even though he didn't feel great he really enjoyed his egg hunt.  Every time he spotted an egg he would get so excited.  He really racked up too - he have enough chocolate to last until Christmas.  Heaven help me.

After the egg hunt Finn asked Michael to lay down with him - they slept for about an hour and then we went home.  Michael had to travel this evening so it was just me and the boys. I put Madagascar in for Finn and we cuddled on the couch. Finn almost fell asleep holding his Play-Doh to his mouth.  Happy Easter!


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