Day 2: The Big Ceremony

Day 2 was the day of the big Vow Renewal Ceremony.  We woke up at 7:00 and went down to the Rainbow tower for breakfast.  We sat in an enormous room th
at was completely opened to the outside.  We ate oatmeal looking out over the lagoon.  It was really quite nice.  We ate breakfast here every morning for free thanks to our Hilton Honor's points. 

Next we got ready for the ceremony.  I got ready in Deniece's room.  We put on our makeup together and I helped her into her wedding dress.  Tommy got ready in our room so as to not spoil the big reveal.

The view from Tommy and Deniece's tower (Rainbow Tower).  That is diamond head in the background.  I looked at it all week and had no idea that was Diamond Head until the day before we left. 

Deniece's dress was so beautiful and perfect for a beach ceremony. 

We met the whole family in the lobby where we waited for the limo. 

The limo arrived at 12:30 and we were off to the ceremony site at Sandy Beach.

The limo ride was really nice - I couldn't believe the scenery that I saw from the window - I have never seen anything quite so beautiful.   If I have learned anything it is that everything they say about Hawaii is true.  You can't take bad picture here. (Well . . . I can - I am no photographer).  While in the limo, Michael earned his nickname for the week "Spoil Sport."

When we arrived at the ceremony site, the view left me in complete shock. There were mountains to our back, islands in front, black volcanic rock under our feet, a lighthouse to our left and blue water/crashing waves everywhere. We all piled out of the limo and walked down to the actual site. The parking lot was packed but the beach was fairly empty except for the two (2) people fishing.  The sand is not like the sand on the gulf.  Instead, it is rocky and very grainy.  It is pretty hard on the feet - in fact, by the time I left my toe was bleeding.

The ceremony was quite sweet - lots of happy tears from Tommy and Deniece.   The boys all looked very handsome and the girls wore real lays. I don't have any pictures of the ceremony because we were all in the wedding party.  Apparently, taking "selfies" during a wedding is frowned upon.

There was also a guy that played the Ukulele and sung a song that was written for Tommy and Deniece.  

After the ceremony we took lots of pictures.  I was barefoot the entire time and my feet were so sore from walking around on the volcanic rock. 

When we got back into the limo the Begleys popped the bubbly.  

Next we went to eat dinner on the beach.  We got there a little early so we sat in the bar area and waited.  We passed the time talking and then walking on the beach. 

Dinner was really incredible.  Deniece worked tirelessly to get us a place to eat right on the beach. We sat out on the terrace overlooking the ocean and watched the sunset.  As the sun was setting we got a crash course on sunsets - Chelsea told us that it takes one (1) minute for the sun to set after it hits the horizon; the waiter told us to look for the green light (this was a joke of course - referring to Pirates of the Caribbean)  . I had pork chops and Michael had a steak.

After dinner Michael and I decided to walk back from restaurant.   Right as we started walking it started to rain.  Luckily it only sprinkled for a few minutes.  On the walk back we were able to see fireworks from our hotel - they were being shot over the ocean. We walked approximately two miles before we ran into a huge road block.  People were lined up everywhere.  Apparently the Obamas were eating at restaurant on the main strip.  I couldn't believe the amount of people waiting around just to catch a glimpse of Obama.  When we got home we pretty much when straight to bed.


  1. Notice how I had to change dresses half way through the day because I had already been in Hawaii a week and had eaten WAY too much to fit into my dress lol. Man the food is so good there!


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