Snow Day!

Today was Finn's first ever official snow day!  I got an email from the Headmaster last night letting us know that school had been cancelled.  I decided to let Finn go to bed assuming that he had school the next morning.  I wanted him to experience that wonderful feeling that only accompanies hearing those two (2) blessed words early in the morning - "snow day."  As it turns out I missed it - Michael got up with the boys this morning and he got to break the news.

Not only was it a snow day - it was the coldest day of the year.  The low today was one (1) degree and the high was nine (9) degrees.  It was so cold outside that Sam actually wore his hat. The way he is wearing his hat is reminiscent of Mick from "Rocky."

Before leaving for work, Michael started a fire for us.  Sam is ever the handy helper.

I had just to take another picture of Sam in his hat since it is such a rare occurrence.

This morning all four of us bundled up and faced the frigid cold to go pick up Michael's car from the dealership.

When we got home we mostly cuddled in the den together.  The boys were pretty calm and loving most of the day.  Both boys took a good, long nap.

Sam spent at inordinately long time today picking his nose.  I decided to document this epic achievement.

Here we have Sam digging for treasure.

Pulling out "the big one."

Checking out his find.

Closer inspection.

"Mom, look at this booger!"  Then he said, "Let's go get another one!"

The rest of the day was pretty calm - that is until I decided to go get more wood for the fire.  Out of habit I told Finn to not let Sam go outside.  In the three (3) seconds that it took me to get a piece of fire wood Finn had closed AND locked the door.  So, by way of review - it was about five (5) degrees outside and I was locked out of the house.  I knocked and asked Finn to let me in.  He yelled through the door that he couldn't unlock the door.  I ran around to the back of the house only to find out that the back door was locked too (probably for the first time since we've lived here).  So I ran back around to try to get in through the garage.  I pushed the opener several times to no avail - the door was frozen to the ground.  Well, after what felt like an hour (it was probably three (3) minutes tops) I got the garage door open and ran in.  When I got back to the den I saw Finn still fiddling with the deadbolt.  Man it is cold outside! 

Later that night Gran and Pa stopped by to see the boys.


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