
On Sunday Finn and I went to see Frozen.  I was very excited about seeing the movie - mostly because of the actors cast to do the voices,  but Finn had already seen Frozen so he wasn't super keen on going to see it again. Oh that little stinker pretended that he wanted to go - "sure mom, I want to go with you."  But when it was time to actually go Finn changed his mind.  He told me that if I wanted to see it I should have come with him the first time.   After a promise of popcorn, candy and finally ice cream Finn decided to come to the movie with me.  Once he had made up his mind he became very excited and ran up to me and gave me a hug and thanked me for suggesting that we go to the movie.

Before going to the movie Finn and I stopped at the Walgreens to buy cheap candy.  Finn picked out Skittles and Sponge Bob gummies.  I chose Gobstoppers (my favorite movie candy).  Next it was on to the theater where Finn asked for popcorn and coke.  He got a "Frozen" kids combo.  Finn is seriously a very demanding date.

Once all the food was bought we went to find a seat.  Finn insisted on picking the seat.  He wanted to sit in a row that didn't have any other people in it. That proved to be difficult.  Finn's solution was to sit in the front row.  Up to that point I had been pretty lenient with Finn - but I put my foot down on this one.  We did happen to find a completely empty row near the back.  Finn settled in and laughed all the way through the previews.

Finn was a great movie date - he warned me about all the scary parts and told me the key plot points of the movie without a "spoiler alert" warning. He was a little bit afraid of Elsa - he thought her parts were scary.  He told me that when the scary parts come that we just need to go home.  After my "not a chance" speech, Finn settled on sitting in my lap during the scary scenes.

I thought that Frozen was a great movie.  I teared up a couple times.  At one point I more than teared up and actually cried a little.  I could see Finn watching me.  He ever so sweetly reached over and held my hand and smiled at me.  Later he told me his hand was cold.

There is a wonderful song in the movie called "Let it Go."  It is sung by Idina Menzel.    The song is played again at the end of the Movie as the credits roll.  As we were walking down the aisle of the theater Finn started singing this song on the top of his lungs.  I knew he had seen the movie before but I had no idea he knew so many of the words.  It was such a great night with Finn-a movie and an encore.

On the way home I downloaded the song so that Finn could listen in the car.  When the music came on Finn said, "this is perfect!"

When we got home I decided to track down Sam.  I found him upstairs in Finn's room.  Just to see his response I turned the song on. When he heard it stopped dead in his tracks, turned around and came over to sit in my lap.   Upon hearing the song for the second time,(it was on a loop) he grabbed my phone and took off.  He listened to that song no less than twenty (20) - Sam knows quite a few of the words too and wasn't a bit hesitant about singing.  At one point Sam crawled into Finn bed to listen to his song.  He is so precious.

Singing - "Let it Go."

So between "Chess in Concert", "Rent" and "Frozen", I have two (2) huge Idina Menzel fans in my house.

Sam became very interested in Finn's lap - he liked putting it in Finn's bed.


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