Hawaii Day 9: LAX

This is my last post about our trip to Hawaii.  It really doesn't have anything at all to do with Hawaii - mostly just our travels back to Tennessee.  Before delving into the trip back I decided to post a few more pictures. My sister-in-law, Sharon, who is a really great photographer took the following pictures.  Thank you for taking and sharing!


The alarm went off at 5:20. I pulled myself out of bed and got ready for the day.  Our flight left at 8:30 a.m. so we assumed we would need to leave the hotel by 6:30.  We  had a very quick breakfast and then went down to the lobby to catch the shuttle.  Apparently everyone in our hotel had the same idea because the shuttle line was really long.  We assumed that we were at least two (2) shuttles back in line.  The staff told us that the shuttles come every fifteen (15) to twenty (20) minutes.  At the time it was 6:30 - we did the math in our head and realized that we may not even make to the airport until 7:10.  Being a little high strung I asked for a cab and we raced off to the airport.

Upon arriving at LAX I told Michael that I was SO glad we decided to take a cab.  I have never seen lines so long just to check your bags.  This place was absolutely crawling with people.  I should have expected it though - LAX is one of the largest airports in the world.  We have been a bit spoiled by Nashville International.  Once through the check in, we waited in line again to go through security (this line wasn't quite as long).  We arrived at the gate around 7:40.  About that time we got a call from the service we used to park the car while we were away and they told us that our car wouldn't start.  We must have missed our boarding call while Michael was making several phone calls trying to get the car towed to the Nissan dealership.  We just so happened to look over and see that our flight was seating boarding group C (the last group).  We grabbed our bags and took off for towards the hanger.  We made it - and we even managed to grab two (2) seats together.

We landed safely in Nashville at 2:40.  Once off the plane we made a mad dash to the outside pickup area where we met Mom, Finn and Sam. Since our car wouldn't start mom picked me up from the airport.  Finn was so excited to see us.  When he saw me he smiled the biggest smile and violently hugged me.  When Sam saw me hug Finn he started bawling. I ran over to the other side of the car to hug Sam and he violently hugged me too.  When Michael hugged Sam, Sam clutched onto him with all his strength and would not let go.

Poor Michael had to stay at the airport and shuttle over the parking services to wait for the AAA guy to tow our car to the Nissan Dealership in Gallatin.  Mom took me and the boys home.  Finn chatted all the way to Hendersonville - Sam cried half of the way.

When we got home Nana helped us bring in all the boys' things.  After Nana left I put Sam down for a nap and Finn played with his new Christmas toys.  After a while he decided that he wanted to snuggle with me.

At 6:00 p.m. Michael called and told me he was in Gallatin.  I put the boys in the car and we drove over to the Nissan dealership to pick him up.  Sam was so excited to see Michael.  When Michael walked back into  the building to take care of something Sam said over and over, "where'd daddy go?"

Sam's sentences are really starting to take off.  He can carry on a pretty good conversation now.  Just in the past few days he has said,

"I don't want to go to bed."
"Let go of me!"
"I don't want a donut."
"I want to watch ninja turtles."
"No, I'm not a baby."  (During his bath I asked Sam if he was my sweet baby - he let me know real quick that he was not.)
"I don't want some soap.  (During his bath Sam licked the bar of soap like an ice cream cone.  His face was hilarious. Every few seconds he would grimace, stick his tongue out, and whine.  After washing his mouth out I asked Sam, "do you want some soap?"  I love that he responded using the phrase "some soap."

I really had a great time in Hawaii and I would love to go back but I am so happy to be back with the boys.  They were both so snuggly and sweet yesterday.  Before bed Sam crawled into my lap and we watched the few minutes of the Guardians.  Finn has been very sweet to - he had a great time with his family, but he seemed genuinely excited to see us.


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