Sam's First Day of K2

Today was Sam's first day of preschool.  Yesterday was actually supposed be his first day, but I got my days crossed.  I assumed that Sam had to actually be two (2) years old before he could start.  Sam will not be two (2) until next week so I thought that I had at least another week to get everything in order and mentally prepare for the fact that Sam will not be home with me on Mondays or Fridays anymore. 

This morning I woke him up with Finn and we went downstairs to eat breakfast.  Sam was dead set against eating oatmeal and instead requested a banana.

Next we all got ready.  It is a bit harder getting Sam ready for school than ready for going to Victoria's house.  When he goes to school his clothes have to match, he has to wear shoes and socks and we have to comb his hair.

Despite our extra primping time - we were able to get our "1st Day" pictures taken and get the boys in the car at a decent time.

When we got to school Finn tore out across the parking lot.  Sam wanted to follow him, but Michael held him back.  Michael then helped Sam into the building. 

Sam was very excited to be at Finn's school.  He walked right over to the easel and started to play with the chalk.  He didn't seem a bit scared or nervous.  I stayed with him for a few minutes - mostly to warn his teacher about "tsunami Sam" (a great and very applicable nickname that Aunt Chelsea gave to him).  Right after our arrival, we noticed Sam running toward a laminated picture on the wall.  As I suspected, Sam pulled it off the wall. It literally took Sam about one (1) minute to start his reign of terror and destruction.  Michael and I grabbed him - put the picture back on the wall - a hoped that no one saw.

On the way out I gave both boys a kiss.  Sam did not cry or run after me.  I was a little sad walking back to the car.  It hit me pretty hard that from this point forward Sam will be a Monday through Friday kid.

I watched my phone all day  hoping that Sam didn't get into any major trouble.  I am happy to report that I didn't get any calls from the school.

I picked Sam up at 3:30 that afternoon.  Finn was in the playroom while Sam was in the main classroom playing with a princess figurine.  Both Ms. Jen and Ms. Beth (Sam's teacher) did an impression of Sam talking about Godzilla.  Apparently Sam sang Godzilla (on the top of his lungs) all day.  Finn even remarked that he could hear Sam singing and making Godzilla noises through the walls. 

Ms. Beth told me that Sam did great.  She said that he talked non-stop.  She also told me that she thinks that he really smart.  Currently Sam is the only kid in the K-2 class so he is getting lots of one-on-one attention.  Today they read the story of "David and Goliath"  and Sam commented on how scary Goliath was.  They also built a castle out of block solely for the purpose of letting Sam knock it down.   Ms. Beth also told me that Sam took a two (2) hour nap in his cot.  Sam has only ever slept in a crib so I was really shocked that he napped so well in his cot.  She did tell me that it took twenty (20) minutes for him to fall asleep.

Finally, his teachers told me now impressed they were at Sam's ability to eat.  He apparently ate everything they put in front of him.  Once in the car I asked Finn if Sam ate all of his lunch.  He told me, "Sam ate all of his lunch so he got dessert."  Finn then told me that he didn't get dessert today.  I asked why and he said that he ate all of his chips - but that chips don't count toward earning dessert.

Later in the evening we met Michael at Firehouse for a celebratory supper.  Sam ate two pickles - he must have been stuffed from everything he ate at lunch.  Gran and Chelsea met up with us for a few minutes too.

DAY 2: 

Sam did not do so well on his second day.  When I dropped him off he clung to me for dear life and screamed at his teacher "LET GO OF ME" as she was trying to pry him off.  I felt so awful for him.  He told when we got home that he wanted to go see JT :)


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