Fish Face and Hot Head

This Sunday morning started off like any other Sunday:  Finn was up before the sun and Sam slept until the very last second. 

Since we weren't running late for once, I took a few pictures of Sam. 


 Sam dancing. 

On the way to church Sam showed off some of his new faces.  Sam's teacher told me that one of her favorite things about Sam was his facial expressions.  Well he ran the gamut this morning.  He even gave us his new "fish face." 

It was very cold this morning so I wasn't too concerned when Finn shivered all the way through the hallway to his Sunday School class.

About ten (10) minutes into Brother David's sermon I see "L5L" flash across the screen.  When I realized it was my number I thought to myself that this was the first time that the nursery had ever called me to come get Sam.  When Finn was a baby, I got called every week for the first four (4) months to pick him up.  I was really shocked - and a bit concerned when they called me about Sam.  Turns out  it wasn't about Sam at all.  Finn's teachers told me that Finn wasn't acting "Finn-like."  I took one look and him and knew that he was sick.  We grabbed Sam and headed for the house.

When we got home Finn started crying that he was cold - it took three (3) blankets and almost an hour to get Finn warmed up.  Finn also complained that his head hurt and asked me to rub his head and he complained that his legs hurt.  His poor little eyes were blood shot and swollen. I felt so bad for him.  I felt his head and it was pretty hot.  Finn told me that since he is sick that I can call him "hot head."

When he woke up he seemed to be doing a bit better.  The medicine had started to work and he wanted something to eat.  Finn loves watermelon so while he was napping I went to the store to get some for him.

 Finn, realizing that his watermelon had seeds (the white ones).
Finn after getting a seed in his mouth.  
It took me a few minutes to convince Finn that the little white seeds are, in fact, edible.

Fearful that Finn had the flu, I decided to take him to the "Minute Clinic."  Finn cried the entire time we waited in the waiting room - which thankfully wasn't too long.  We learned that Finn did not have the flu, but instead, had an upper respiratory infection.  I was a very relieved mama.

Since Finn was cooperative during his appointment I let him walk up and down the toy aisle.  He helped me look at toys for Sam.  Then we did a little bit of grocery shopping.  Finn felt good enough to go see the lobsters.  He explained to me the anatomy of a lobster - focusing entirely on the pinchers.  At the check out counter Finn told the clerk that he had a fever and because of that he couldn't eat a lot of candy, but that he could eat one sucker.  He was so polite and well spoken.

While I was typing out this post Finn came over to sit next to me.  After a few minutes Michael noticed that he was asleep on my shoulder.  When Michael said something, Finn corrected him saying, in a very groggy voice, "I wasn't asleep - I was just resting my head."


  1. I probably shouldn't say it but my favorite face is his mad face!


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