The Comeback Kid

 This morning Sam found Fannie happily sleeping on the love seat.  Sam loves Fannie and take every opportunity to both tell her and show her how much he loves her.  In other news,  Fannie hates Sam.

 Check out that juxtaposition.  Pure joy and pure disdain - side by side.

This particular morning Sam decided that he was going to give Fannie a kiss.  If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times - Sam does everything to the best of his ability, including giving kisses.  What this means for Fannie is that she is going end up on the business end of a soaking wet kiss as Sam gives the grossest, wettest kisses imaginable.

 It's just a matter of time before Fannie snaps and Sam needs a tetanus shot. 

She sure is taking it like a champ though.

Friday was the last day of "Spirit Week."  It was wear your pajama's to school day.

I picked the boys up early from school on Friday so that I could take Sam for his two year/well baby check up. We arrived at the doctor's office full life - we all three left completely defeated.  Sam acted like a bucking bronco the entire time.  I sat on him, straddling his legs and holding his arms down through the entire appointment.  Why, because he was screaming to beat the band and flailing about like a wild boar.  Dr. Johnson told me that he hasn't encountered many children as strong as Sam.

Sam weighs approximately 32 pounds and is 35 inches tall.  He is in the 98th percentile for weight and 78th percentile for height.  He has made a drastic leap in his percentages since his 18 month checkup.  At 18 months he was in the 25 percentile in height.

After the doctor completed his checkup he sent the nurse in to give Sam his flu shot.  Finn was so encouraging to Sam - he kept telling Sam that it was going to be okay and he didn't have to be scared.  Then I lowered the boom on Finn . . .  

 . . . Finn found out that he was getting a flu shot too.  All those comforting words and expectations of bravery that he had for Sam was, as it turns out, all show.  Finn lost his marbles and nothing I said gave him any comfort.

Sam got over his fear of his shot pretty quickly after discovering the light switch.  Yes he turned it off.

Both were awful during the actual giving of the shot.  Once again I had to sit on both of them.  I left the pediatrician's office totally exhausted.  We stopped for blasts on the home.  Both boys ate a mini blast and nothing else the rest of the night. 


  1. Fannie needs some extra treats, poor thing! LOL.

  2. This blog is hilarious! All of it - Sam and Fannie's love/hate relationship and Finn's face upon learning he gets a flu shot too! I shouldn't make fun though because I have yet to get a flu shot myself!

  3. Erin, I love your blog. This one was so funny. I was laughing out loud reading it! Poor Fannie and Finn.

  4. David and I are sitting on the couch and laughing so hard we are crying!!!! First off Poor Fannie and I can't believe she sat still for all that!!! Secondly I can just imagine the conversation Finn had with Sam and then......oh my lol


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