Spirit Week - Round 2

 This week was "Spirit Week" at school.  They have spirit week both in the Fall Semester and then again in the Spring Semester.  Finn really enjoyed spirit week last time - Sam got to join in the fun this time.  Monday was MLK day and the boys weren't in school.  Tuesday was "twin day."  We did our best.

Wednesday was "fake an injury day."  When we arrived at school I saw a bunch of little kids with cute, character band-aids.  My kids were the only kids that looked like they came from an abusive home.  I may have gone a bit too far.

Thursday was "team sports day".  The boys both wore their Titan's jerseys.

Later than evening Finn played with his new word puzzle.  He is getting really good at his letters. Have I mentioned how much I love this "Ninja Turtle" table?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. A few too many Rocky movies perhaps? They still look cute!


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