Hawaii Day 8: Leaving Day

My alarm went off at 5:20 a.m.  We got up and packed the remainder of our things in the suitcase and then headed for the lobby.

We caught a cab to the airport and checked our bags.  Michael was randomly selected for a more intensive search.  They told him that they found traces of residue from explosives on his hands.

We boarded the flight a little after 7:15 and sat at the gate until 8:00.  I was little sad at the beginning of the flight.  I quickly got over my sadness when I realized that I had many, many days of blogging to do.  I got my iPad out and started typing away. I have typed for three (3) hours minus bathroom breaks.  We are currently heading to Los Angeles where Michael is about to workout with the guy that created his workout program.  He is understandably excited.

The "Hollywood" sign - from the plane. 

We arrived at LAX at 2:30ish and tried out best to figure out how to get on the shuttle to our hotel.  We stood in three (3) different places - thinking each new place would be the ideal place to stand and wait.  When we finally spotted the shuttle the driver waived us over the place we were originally standing for pickup.  You can't say we didn't try.  LAX is huge.  It took us almost 20 minutes to get out of the airport (we made several stops to other sections of the airport to pick up additional passengers).

Room at the Hilton LAX

When we got to our hotel we immediately put on our workout clothes and took a cab to West Hollywood to workout at a gym called Equinox.  I don't mind saying that I did not want to go.  I figured that on January 2nd in West Hollywood I would be the fattest and most out of shape female in the gym.

The cab ride was very interesting.  The cab smelled very strongly of incense and the cab driver spent the entire ride head-banging to jazz music. We took the 405 to get out there and it was packed.  Michael and I both decided that we would never live in Los Angeles.

When we arrived at the gym we went inside to wait for for the trainer (Chris Krueger) to show up.  Saying that this gym was posh would be an understatement.  He and his fiancé arrived shortly thereafter and we did a cardio day.  We started on the treadmill and finished up with an abs circuit.  Despite all my dread, I ended up having a really good time.  I wasn't THE fattest - but I wasn't too far from it.  I definitely wasn't the most out of shape.  I am proud to say that I held my own with the boys and the fiancé (who is also a trainer).  When we were finished we wiped down with eucalyptus infused, frozen towels.

After working out we debated taking another cab ride to see other touristy parts of the city.  It was closing in on 8:00 p.m. and I was pretty tired so we decided to take a cab (most of which was paid for by the gym) back to the hotel.    Before turning in we made a quick stop at "In and Out Burgers" (a hamburger chain recommended by the Apedailes) for supper.  The placed was jam packed.  I think that all of Los Angeles is jam packed.  We ate outside to get some relief from all the people.  After finishing our meal we decided to walk back to the hotel - it was only about a mile and half - and we thought we could use the exercise after all the vacation eating we'd been doing.

Once back in the room we cleaned up from the day - between the flight and the workout I felt disgusting.  After packing up for the last time we both crashed pretty hard.


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