Hawaii Day 3: Taking It Easy

I woke up with the worst headache!  Every time I moved I felt like my brain was going to explode out of my nose. I finally figured out that it was probably a caffeine headache.  Or better stated, I lack of caffeine headache. 

The day started off pretty normal,  I worked out and then went to breakfast.  After breakfast we went back up to the room to get ready for the day. It was our first day without planned activities. Other members of the family were out on pre-planned outings -   Tommy, David, James and Chelsea all went deep sea fishing while Sharon and Deniece went to the "swap meet."

Michael was still adjusting to the time change so we decided to take it easy.   We knew that at some point we would need to go by groceries and since everyone was gone we decided go ahead and go.  Plus, I was in serious need of a Coke.  We set off on foot down Ala Moana Blvd.  The walk was very pleasant - it was only about a mile to the nearest FoodMart. During out walk we were able to see a bit more of the city. 

The Foodmart was actually inside a mall.  We had to stop and ask for directions because it was so big.  Not only was this mall huge - it was absolutely teeming with people.  That is actually true of Honolulu in general. I have never been to a place that has that many people out and about at one time.  Maybe its the weather.  

Our trip home was not quite as pleasant as the trip out there because he had to carry home everything we bought.  Luckily I brought a heavy duty bag to help me carry the coke cans.  By the time we made it back to the room our hands and forearms were pretty tired. 

After lunch, Michael and I went to check out the beach.  Given how crowded our hotel was I expected the beach to be more crowded that it actually was.  

After checking out the beach we went to the lagoon.  The Hilton property has an enormous salt water lagoon on site that they filter every four (4) hours to ensure that it is clean.  After a few minutes David met us out there and we sat in the sun. 

The lagoon from James and Chelsea's room.

Later that evening we all went to see Anchorman 2 together - I thought it was hilarious.  After the movie we went to eat dinner.  It took a while to decide what to eat for dinner.  This picture was taken while we were trying to come to consensus. 

We finally settled on a little place outdoors/under a canopy - I can't remember the name now.  To borrow a phrase from the Finnster - it was NOT awesome. My meal was pretty good -  I had a hamburger steak with an egg on it - but Michael's looked pretty awful.   After supper Tommy, Deniece, Michael and I walked back to the hotel.


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